Bruker AVANCE III 600 MHz


For liquid-and gel-state NMR applications

Probes :

  • Inverse 5 mm BBI type (1H/15N-31P/2H) with Z-gradients and ATM for liquid-state NMR analysis
  • Inverse 4 mm double resonance 1H/13C with Z-gradients for high resolution gel-state NMR analysis

Console and accessories: Avance III, BCU 05 temperature range between -70 °C and +110 °C

Workstation: Topspin 3.6.2

It is available for ISM researchers and for all the scientific community on demand and prior booking alongside service staff (see contacts).

We carry out 1D and 2D (homo and heteronuclear) measures, kinetic studies like EXSY, calculation of compounds diffusion coefficient with DOSY experiment, quantitative analysis, temperature variations (from -70 °C to +110 °C), NMR of gels (1H and 13C) …
