Bruker AVANCE II 400 MHz

For liquid and solid-state NMR applications


Probes :

  • Direct 5 mm BBFO type (1H/15N-31P/2H) with Z-gradients and ATM for liquid-state NMR analysis
  • Inverse 4 mm double resonance 1H/13C with Z-gradients for powders analysis

Console and accessories: Avance II, BCU 05 temperature range between -70 °C and        +110 °C

Workstation: Topspin 3.2

It is available for ISM researchers and for all the scientific community on demand and prior booking alongside service staff (see contacts).

We conduct 1D and 2D multi-nucleus measures, temperature variations (from -70 °C to       +110 °C), NMR of solids …
